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Can't sleep. Getting really bored with making these beaded flowers for this Voodoo doll I'm working on. I'm not a flower type person, but this doll just screams "put flowers on me, DAMMIT!". Maybe some medication would stop that. Just kidding.


Talked to Teen Idol the other night. It was great to chat with him again. You know how you sometimes idealize people you've lost touch with, but still really like? With T.I., it's the opposite. I always remember him as being a really witty, kind, engaging man. This does not even scratch the surface of his charms. Really! Okay, so he's my big unconsumated life-long crush. But I don't think that clouds my judgement in the slightest. He's really a terrific person and I'm proud to call him friend. His girlfriend sounds pretty spiffy, too! They live out in LA. He's an animator and she's a line editior on Jamie Kennedy Experiment. I'm trying to get them down here for Jazz Fest. She's really gung-ho about it and plans to serously "pitch it" to Teen Idol. Oddly, such sterotypically LA language sounds charming coming from her. Not the least bit tacky!

Mom might be going out to LA in the Summer, to pick up another Bengal kitten (she's building quite a collection). She is going out there in May, to give it a look. She invited me to join her then, but I'm due in Michigan to help Efrem and Jennifer with the new baby then, so I'm hoping she opts to pick the new kitten up rather than have her shipped to her. Then I can go and see Teen Idol, meet his GF and check LA out. I'd love to do some shopping at some of their prop and costume resale shops!


Trick seems to be cheering up a bit. I am worried that he's putting all of his financial eggs in the basket of this novel he's working on. This is the first major work that he's planning to pitch to publishers, so it might not get picked up. I'm trying to get him to sell some of his art on Ebay, like I do. Sure, it's a fickle marketplace, but he can make some extra cash while basking in the appreciation of the online auction buyer. With his hours being cut so dramatically at work, this would really come in handy.


Joe's birthday was nice. I gave him control over the remote for the entire night and let him order all the Chinese food he wanted. He was happy as can be. What a great, easy to please husband I have!


All the Mardi Gras parades were rained out tonight. I sure hope this doesn't happen this weekend! Besides missing all the parades we want to catch, a lot of my friends are bartenders and this hellish carnival pay a lot of the bills that acrue in the off season! It also leaves them exausted and ill, but it can be worth it.

1:29 a.m.

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