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Is it just me, or is all the coverage of this war a bit on the surreal side? There's something strange about seeing a reporter meeting troops as they parachute into Northern Iraq.

All in all, I like that there's all this coverage. It's good that we can see almost everything that's going on without editing. It's weird, but cool.


Trick is on a nostalgia kick. He's posting a bunch of old photographs on his diary. It's neat to see his younger self peering out at me from my computer monitor. Maybe I'll dust off the old scanner and throw some old photos up here, too.


That scary respiratory illness turns out to be a really bad cold bug. Go figure.


Went for a walk today. For most people, this isn't a big deal. But I'm what you might call a recluse. It was uncomfortable and nice all at once. I might take another walk tomorrow, if I can find an excuse.


Efrem sent me this cute email, explaining how his fetus' nickname went from Jello to Num-Num. It's funny. Read it. O.k. just this past Thanksgiving Jennifer's parents were in town. We had an ultrasound appointment scheduled for the day after turkey day long before their trip was planned. We asked her parents if they'd like to come with us to see the sonogram (since neither had ever seen anything like that--they didn't have that technology when Jennifer was born--even when I was born I found out!). The doctor needed to get the baby to move around so she could take a bunch of different measurements to make sure the baby was developing normally and not getting any kind of neural tube defects. No matter how much she jiggled, pushed, poked and prodded (outside of the belly of course), the baby would not move. As a matter of fact, he very promptly put his (undeveloped at the time) ASS right in the camera as if to say, "I got yer movement... RIGHT HERE!" rofl... So the doc says to Jennifer, "Well, I'm going to have you walk up and down the halls for about 10 minutes to get the baby to shift into a better position. Any by the way, here, eat this." as she hands Jennifer a sucker. Jennifer asks, "What's this for?" Doc says, "Oh, to help get the baby moving." ::puzzled look from Jennifer--total understanding look from Efrem... heh heh:: So we go for a walk up and down the corridors of the place. Jennifer's eating the sucker and we're talking quietly. We get back into the exam room and the doc says, "O.k. let's see what we have here... WOW!" As she positions the sonogram on Jennifer's belly, a ghostly image of this baby with both arms raised above his head, fists clenched, and giant little mouth opening and closing rapidly pops up on the screen! Jennifer and I were like "OH MY GOD!" as she covered up her nipples. All that could be heard was me doing sound effects for the scene--"NUM! NUM! NUM! NUM! NUM!" ROFL The sugar got the baby going and he was in fully on "YEAH! GIVE ME MORE!" mode. hee hee...!
Deworming cats is icky.

4:09 p.m.

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