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Did you miss the ghost in a jar insanity on Ebay this week? I threw in a contender, but doubt the price will get anywhere near the original's closing bid, or even the bids on jars with kleenex ghosts in them.

Things with ghost in a jar in the title were getting so many hits that I had to add it to the subject line of all my auctions that didn't have bids yet, too. It was pretty damn funny to watch, anyway!

At one point, before he cancelled a bunch of bids, the original ghost in a jar was up to $99,999,999! LOL!

So a little tax relief has once again turned into free money! Not good.

THE HOUSE must act on the legislation by June 23 for the low-income families � those with incomes between $10,500 and $26,625 � to get checks at the same time as the 25 million middle-income households that will benefit from the child tax credit.

�I�d like to see all of these folks included when the round of checks are sent out this summer,� said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.

The vote was 94-2, with Oklahoma Republicans Sen. Don Nickles and Sen. James Inhofe voting against the bill.

The bill would also increase the amount married couples can earn before the credit starts to decrease, a priority of Republicans. In 2008 and 2009, married couples making up to $115,000 could claim the full credit. In 2010, couples who make up to $150,000 could claim the full credit for two years at the end of the bill�s 10-year horizon. At higher incomes, couples could claim a partial credit.

Republicans resisted changing the law, which currently offers the credit to families who pay income tax and gives minimum wage workers � those who get enough tax benefits to see their income taxes eliminated � a partial refund.

Some Republicans have historically supported refundable tax credits, such as the much larger earned income tax credit, as a way to encourage low-wage workers to stay in the labor force and avoid welfare.

Backed by a strong push from community activists, Democrats pointed to the tax cut enacted last month as concrete proof that Republicans favor the wealthy over the poor. Thursday�s agreement gives Democrats a rare victory in a Republican-controlled Congress.

�This administration is waging war on poor children,� said Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. �The reality is that they are steadily and surely trying to turn the clock back on all of the programs and supports that working families and their children need and deserve.�

The legislation also reduces the five definitions of a �child� used for different tax deductions and credits to a single definition. The bill�s $10 billion cost will be offset by an extension of customs fees.

It is not clear that the House will pass a carbon copy of the Senate bill. There have been signs that House Republicans might insist on killing the estate tax in return for agreeing to extend the child tax credit to lower-income families.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

I'm going to try to fix my Voodoo doll page now.

5:00 a.m.

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