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sometimes I feel just like this

Had a nice chat with Darryl yesterday. I'd kept missing him since I got home from my Ky trip, but Joe had practically ordered me to go have Darryl get his trailer out of our front yard. Joe's afraid that our landlord might finally come to cut the grass (weeds) and be angry that the thing is parked out front there. Darryl thought it was funny, but he moved it.

We got on the subject of death and wills (Darryl's a heavy drinker in his 60s) and he mentioned that he had noone to take care of his animals. As he was saying it, I was brushing the caked mud out of his giant Shepard's fur. "HELLO!" I said. "Nobody gets these animals but ME". "I don't even care if you don't leave money to take care of the things, I love them (three dogs, a cat and a crow) and I want to be sure they're in good care".

After some argument "Darryl likes to argue about everything), he seemed relieved.

Even if Darryl didn't leave any mention of his animals, if anything ever happened to him I'd just go over there and get them.

Joe and I took a nap, when he came home last night. We both ended up sleeping through our shows (Dead Like Me, Tremors: The Series and Stargate SG1) so I just crawled into bed and slept straight through 'till five.

I feel well rested now and think I'll have no problem staying up to watch the rebroadcast of Dead Like Me tonight.

The State is holding off on taking everything we own until after I get the needed paperwork from the feds.

Since the IRS phone system is completely automated, I don't even know if they're sending the right stuff. All I need are copies of our W2s from 2001. What they're sending is a transcript of our taxes from that year and forms to send in for photocopies. Hoepfully, somewhere in there I'll get copies of my W2s.

I'm ashamed to say it, but I was in tears throughout all my phonecalls to the State and the Feds.

Since Cafe Press has been offering free book publishing, I've been trying to get all the writers I know to sign up for it. I love the idea of saying "fuck you" to the publishers' corporate system and seeing artists and writers just go out there and market their own stuff!

Services like Cafe Press and Ebay make it easy and affordable to do that. Shit, Cafe Press is FREE.

It's a beautiful time we live in where you can make money doing what you love and not have to deal with employers or invest money. Just create and post!

The stacked Voodoo doll with legs that I've been working on has hit a wall. Something about the more realistic body leaves me blank on how to decorate her. It's very frustrating.

I haven't heard from Efrem and Jennifer for awhile. I might just have to write them a nagging email to find out what's going on with them and baby Deacon.

6:40 a.m.

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