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Man-o-man! Am I pisssssssssssssssssed at Ebay today!

I had an opening bid on one of my Voodoo dolls. As tends to happen, somebody bid against the opening bidder. This new bidder was NOT the high bidder, so she raised the bid amount on the first bidder. This is a good thing. Except, this bitch then retracted her bid (even though she was not winning and was not going to have to pay for the Voodoo doll) and Ebay fucking let her! I emailed them about this yesterday (Ebay's bid retraction rules are very clear and this did not fall under them)and they haven't even bothered to repond to my email. Their incompetence is taking food out of my family's mouths. Don't fuck with my money, man.

I guess that's what you get when AOL buys the only decent auction site.


Poor, dear Joe was supposed to have quit smoking last Friday. He had cut back a really admirable amount and then he got his pay check today. He's been smoking like a fiend ever since. He'd gone through a pack and a half between lunch and getting home. Bastard even raided my stash this morning, leaving my carton, which lasted me more than two weeks and still had a pack left, empty. I really think we;re going to have to do this quitting thing together and with much chemical assistance and my taking possession of all the money, so he doesn't cheat.


I've tried to stay out of politics in this forum, but Blonde made me kind of blow up and leave a bunch of long winded messages in people's guestbooks. If you are one of these people, I apologize.

I completely disagree with his politics, but Blonde seems to be a good and creative guy. He's trying to get a movie made. You should email him to see how to help him pay for it!


The cats have worms.

That'll cost us.


As you may or may not know, I am a Court TV junky. Watching so many trials, on said network, has made me more than a bit concerned about the state of our justice system. Right now, there's a 12 year old boy on trial for MURDER because he accidentally killed a toddler while wrestling with him. Now, this was a stupid and dangerous act with horrible consequenses and the kid should be punished. But I don't think the criminal justice system is the kind of place for this to happen. And murder is not something he should be charged with. To commit murder, you have to INTEND to kill a person. This kid didn't intend to kill the toddler! He was stuck babysitting the child 17 hours a week with NO supervision and NO kind of training because his aunt didn't want to pay for a real sitter and his father wanted him out of the house so he could go catting around. The adults (who have not been charged with a damn thing) should be the ones in court right now. Not this kid.

The really disturbing part is that this is not the first time something like this has happened. A little boy in Florida is spending LIFE in PRISON for the exact same thing.

It would be different if we were talking about the kids who actually do go out and murder people. They do need to be put away. But these kids' crime is a lack of maturity. They weren't being malicious. They weren't even trying to hurt anybody. They were just being stupid little boys.


If Joe can get a good job there, Tennessee might not be so bad. I figure, if we pay mom a decent rent (lower than we're paying on the dilapitated shit-hole) on a house she's going to be buying anyway, she won't be able to get mean about it. Hell, maybe I can build a hot house (greenhouse) and get serious about the bonsai thing. I'd like that.

And we can always move elsewhere once we've gotten out finances in order and Joe can get serious about finding the right job to settle into.

1:20 a.m.

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