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I decided early on not to use this diary as a forum for promoting my political beliefs. While I have no problem sharing my beliefs with people, these things often turn into emotional rants that accomplish nothing. People who agree with you will tell you as much in your guestbook or notes. People who don't will tell you as much in your guestbook or notes and may even be rude about it, even attacking you in their diaries. No minds are changed. Nothing gets done.

Case in point Scottyboi77, a gay man who actually had the nerve to express his somewhat conservative views and support of the war in Iraq in his diary. This was met by a number of vicious personal attacks in both his guestbook and in other people's diaries. I left a couple of notes in his guestbook in support of his diary and was engaged by one of his attackers, who also happens to have one of my favorite diaries (when he's not spewing his over-emotional political crap).

Because of this, I've felt compelled to post a partial list of my political beliefs. Not some tantrum-type rant, like most people put up in this forum. Just a list. After that, if I feel like it, I'll restrict my responses to people's political tantrums to their guestbooks.


I am a Libertarian.

I believe that taxation is theft.

That most things funded by tax money should either be privately funded or not exist at all.

I believe that a government's only legitimate job is protecting people's rights. That when it chooses to go beyond this role, it violates our rights.

I believe that prostitution, gambling and drugs should be legal. That adults have the right to choose, individually, what to do with their bodies and money. That passing laws against such things creates a black market economy that funds thugs and terrorists and breeds violent and property crime.

I believe that our (the U.S.) involvement, both financially and militarily, in the affairs of other nations is both a waste of our money and creates resentment against us in the rest of the world. I believe this puts a target on the ass of every American citizen.

I believe that countries that hate us, because of our meddling in world affairs, support and use terrorists against us. Because they couldn't attack us conventionally without being destroyed.

I believe that Iraq is one of those countries.

I believe that once these attacks came to our shores, our only option in dealing with them is the military removal of ALL regimes supporting and using the terrorists against us.

I believe that many innocent people will die as a result of this.

I believe that sucks.

I believe that, if our government's only concern in the Middle East was oil, they would stop picking sides in their disputes and leave them to it.

I believe our Government should do that.

I believe they won't.

I believe abortion should be legal. That women and girls should not be forced to have children. I don't believe that people who disagree with me do so because they want to control or enslave women. I believe that they honestly feel that fetal tissue is alive. I believe that they are wrong.

I believe that children should not be allowed to raise children. The ability to give birth does not qualify one to raise a child. that takes more life experience than any child can possibly have. No matter their level of maturity or responsibility.

I believe that anyone who is old enough to join the military and or vote is also old enough to drink.

I don't believe that 18 is old enough for any of these things.

I believe that all adults have the right to marry whomever they want. Regardless of their gender or numbers, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.

I believe that gender and sexual orientation have nothing to do with a person's ability to raise a child. Love, structure and the ability to support, protect and educate it should be the only consideration.

I believe that charity and government don't mix. That welfare enslaves the worker and destroys the initiative and ambition of the recipient, creating a culture of poverty and crime.

I believe that Social Security is nothing more than a huge insurance scam. The money that is supposed to be put into an account for your retirement, is immediately used on other people and projects.

I believe that businesses have the right to allow smoking on their premises. If you don't want to be around smoking, don't go to a place that chooses to permit it. You don't have to work at such places, either.

I believe in the death penalty. I believe that the system has to be reformed so that the innocent aren't at risk. But that there are certain actions a person can take that forfeit their right to stay alive. The standard of evidence in a capital case should be much higher.

I believe that animals have as much right not to be tortured as people do. That the penalties for animal cruelty should be the same as those to protect people from such treatment.

I believe that both the ACLU and the NRA exist to protect our rights. And I appreciate their efforts on my behalf.

I believe that people have the right to die, if they so choose. that terminally ill people should be able to get the assistance of their physician to end their suffering and have a death with dignity, if they so choose.

10:19 a.m.

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