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None of my financial woes are even close to being sorted out. I'm going to try to work through what I can, then I'm just giving up. Crawling into bed and not getting out. For a few months at least. If I seem to have disappeared, I'm in bed.

with all of that said, I thought it would be a good time to type about somethings more amusing than my life. So here is some random bullshit for you!

Being a shut-in, I spend a great deal of time in front of the TV. One of the more embarassing things I've been watching is General Hospital (but only when there isn't an entertaining trial on Court TV). On GH, there is a mob boss named Sonny. Sonny doesn't deal drugs, isn't involved in prostitution or illegal gambling (though he does own a casino on some exotic island). He doesn't have trucks hijacked, isn't a fence, doesn't smuggle weapons and doesn't take protection money. What I'm wondering is, what makes this guy a crime lord? He's not involved in any criminal enterprise. Is it the wardrobe that makes a soap opera mob boss? Come on General Hospital, what's the fucking deal?

My mother is REALLY FAT now. I'm pudgy. this woman is FAT.

Beware the Mormon bugs!

What's the big deal with Monkey Pox? It's less dangerous than chicken pox and you only get it when you've had contact with a prarie dog that's had contact with an African rat! And the states that are banning prarie dogs because of this mild African rat disease can kiss my ass! It's not the Prarie dogs' fault they were put in with a big rat!

If they ban flag burning, the first thing I'm doing is burning a flag.

I scored higher than Steve Irwin in an online reptile quiz.

Mom sent me Hard Eight by Janet Evonovich. Fucking funny, but it only lasted 3 hours. I need longer books!

Joe made me watch an hour long show on Celebrity Hair. The fact that there is a show about celebrity hair is frightening. The fact that all the gossip people thought that Pink named herself after the color is terrifying!

Joe may love shit about the stars, but Celbrity Hair is where I draw the inane celebrity shit line. If they do a show on celebrity toenail clippings, he's going to have to go to a bar to watch it!

Greg is an angel

Trick is an angel

When sleeping, Joe looks like a 6"5 280 pound baby. It's the most amazing thing!

I just wish he'd stop bogarting Ming Ming (my stuffed Panda).

When did Humphry Bogart's name become synonmous (yeah, I can't spell. sue me) with hogging something?

For that matter, what does a hog have to do with it?

David Bowie is doing a world tour in the fall. If he plays New Orleans, I will get tickets. Even if I have to blow strange smelly men to do it.

The Spy Who Loved me is a really shitty book. Even by James Bond standards!

Did you notice that they changed the music to the theme song on The Wire? Pretty cool.

When I was young, a person who left you anonymous notes and gifts was a secret admirer and it was cute.

Now it's a stalker and you have to worry about having your head chopped off and kept under someone's pillow.

Ahh, the eighties were such innocent times! LOL

Why is it okay to have a blockbuster movie where the heros street race but people have a fit if a hero smokes on screen? Street racers kill and maime people who have no involvement with their reckless and illegal hobby. Smokers only harm ourselves and some people live long healthy lives smoking the whole time!

and don't hand me that secondhand smoke pseudo-science bullshit

Somebody snuck into my neighbor, Darryl's, yard and corrected the lopsided haircut he gave his guard dog. Darryl thought it was me,since I often go back there and brush the dog. It was a stranger. Some viscious guard dog, eh?

If the guy from Forever Knight (the vampire cop show) is in a movie, turn the channel.

trust me.

Is any woman who is close friends with a gay man considered a "fag hag"? If so, that's really messed up!

I am NOT a fag hag.

A hag, maybe.

Hamlet is overrated. MacBeth is far superior.

What is a fag hag, anyway?

That term really pisses me off!

This other diaryland chick is PRICELESS! She forces her way into a guys house, assultshis boyfriend and steals his computer and she things her psycho suicide threat diary entries are going to get him to call her? That's too fucking funny!

2:15 a.m.

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