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I had a basically wonderful time on vacation, yet I find that I have nothing to say about it here on d-land.

Yeah, I know I look like a chubby broad in her early thrities in that photo. Well, uess what! I am a chubby broad in her early thirties!

I don't usually write about my dreams in here, but last night's was just too weird.

I'd found a giant white gecko with holes in it's back (below it's ear holes) and belts going through the holes, wrapped around it and holding it to a tree.

It was alive and looked surprisingly healthy for an animal in it's situation, so I started taking the belts off it. As I was getting to the point of removing the belt from the holes in it's back, the gecko turned into Trick. I pulled the belt out of his back and it was one of those cheap fabric covered belts (red) that come with matching dresses.

I made some comment about the belt and the huge gaping holes in Trick's back, then realized that we were in a movie theater. There was some sort of intrigue connected to the theater.

Read the Harry Potter book while Mom and I were in Kentucky.

Mom was a bit offended when I said that they were entertaining books and great children's books, but not great literature.

Her taking offense probably shouldn't have shocked me, as this is the woman who considers Dean Koontz the pinnacle of modern literature.

When some psycho stalker bitch baits you in her diary, it's best not to take the bait and respond. It's best to just ignore her.

Joe is really digging taking over all the PIO responsibilities at work. I just hope that his enjoyment doesn't cloud him to the big picture which is getting a living wage from the cheap fuckers!

It's good to see him happy, anyway.

I just read the worst script EVER. The scary thing is, this POS has a $1.8 million budget! All the great scripts out there and crap like this get's that kind of money!

Hollywood sucks!

Normally I'd tell you the name of the movie and something about it's plot, but I wasn't even supposed to see the script, so I can't.

I am a gin (the game, not the beverage) goddess!

Disposable cameras are not great at taking pictures inside of caves. Next time I go back to Kentucky, I'll have to take some of my good cameras.

My kitties sure did miss me while I was away!

Daemonchild is getting some cool stuff together for her Cafe Press shop. She's having some trouble with her images. I'd like to hep her, but I forgot her password.

Hopefully she'll email me with that so I can see what I can do.

She's such a great kid, she deserves to make some extra money on her talent!

I'm starting to vaguely remember another dream where I'm traveling through another continent (either Asia or Africa) and I happen upon a large leopard like cat. It's very friendly, so I decide to keep it.

That's all I remember.

Showtime's new show, Dead Like Me, ROCKS!

I need a shovel.

Not one of those little gardening shovels.

A proper shovel.

The kind for digging holes.

Not planting bulbs.

Somebody buy me a shovel?


2:41 p.m.

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