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God I'm feeling bitchy tonight.

David Bowie has announced to his bowienet fans that he's so generously playing a bunch more dates in the U.S. next month. Once again, he's not coming anywhere NEAR New Orleans. Either he can't stand his southern fans, or thinks that we all have the money and time to waste flying to NYC for his shows and stay in rat hole hotels. Well fuuuuuck him! Even if I had the money (right now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pay to have my bride's maids dress altered by Oct 20 and drive up there) I sure shootin' wouldn't blow it to see shows supporting his third straight truely shitty album! The scary thing is, his albums are actually getting progressivly worse. And, trust me, I didn't think anyone could do worse than Hours. Heathen disproved that.

Joe's best friend, Joe, is in town with his new posh girlfriend. I haven't seen them yet as I can't afford dye to do my 12 inch roots and am not fit for human eyes. Joe bought me a $250 DVD player for my Birthday and a DVD of the Matrix (one of his favorites which I like but have seen so many times I know the dialog by heart and don't need to see it again). Guess how much our checking account is now negative? That's right! $250! All for a DVD player and one DVD that I never watch, so I don't even use the thing. PAH!

I cut my finger open, today, with sewing shears. So now I have a , still bleeding, gash on my pinky and dull dress shears.

I'm getting really tired of friends who try to tell me that they're as broke as I am, then preceed to describe the dozens of (very expensive) concerts they've been attending throughout the year (using their $40 a month cable internet connection, no less). Yes, you are having some shitty money troubles, but you are so far out of my league when it comes to poverty that it is actually insulting to hear you compare our plights. With that said, this same friend is having some MAJOR health problems and I'd sell my organs to be there to comfort him.

My mother has cashed in the mutual funds that keep her fed and sheltered to buy a ranch style house (that looks like a fucking trailor) on 2 acres of land in Tennessee so she can be with the boyfriend of the week. Never mind that she hasn't even gotten the Michigan house ready for sale yet and hasn't worked on her glass (which is her career) for over 2 years. Now, she's planning on playing office assistant for this guy's sales business. And she wonders why, after she dumps a guy, she ALWAYS has money problems and no friends of her own! PAH!

5:16 a.m.

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