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Happy Thanksgiving!

Things that I'm thankful for:

Joe being the dear, patient man that he is

Mom having the sense of humor that she does

The three greatest cats alive

Trick being, well.... Trick! An artist through and through

My friend Jim still being alive and not growing bitter, despite living with AIDS for over 20 years

People who think my Voodoo dolls are art

Jennifer finally having a viable pregnancy, giving me the first real god-child of my life

Maggie's perserverence and kind heart

The fact that I was blessed for many years with the gift of love from Motley, Chris, my grandparents and all the other wonderful beings who touched my life before they died

That, against ALL odds, Mike recovered from Schitzophrenia and has made himself a good life, by anybody's definition.

The internet for keeping me connected to people when, in another decade, I would be a complete recluse

My inlaws, for being generous to a fault

Joe is in heaven because IFC is showing a dinner for five marathon. The cats are blissed out on turkey (all except Olivia who isn't interested in the stuff). I've eaten enough pumpkin pie to put the mildest of diabetics into a sugar coma.

Haven't heard from the families yet. That might have something to do with the phone line being tied up by the comuter.

I stayed up until the daylight hours bidding on signed first edition books for Joe and Mom. Okay, so maybe they're not the signed first edition type, but I like them and think they make a nifty gift.

I still have no clue about what to get Donald for x-mas. I did manage to get him a stocking stuffer of a gift. A CD ROM of Doberman icons. Kind of silly, considering I could make them myself with pictures of his actual dog. But I am lazy and Donald will forgive the icons not having the windblown ears look of his dog.

Joe cracked rather easily and told me what he's gotten me for Christmas. 2 DVDs he wants, a CD I don't particularly want and a book I could care less about. In the mean time, I've already gotten him 14 books he wants, an autographed photo of his favorite bimbo and a CD he's been itching for. The funny thing is, I spent less on all that stuff than he did on my few things. Why? Because even though I signed him up with an Ebay account, he still decided to shop for me on retail sites. Dumb, but I love him.

I love Christmas shopping. Hopefully, we'll get the house cleaned before our guests arrive and I won't spend so muh that we get evicted from this shit-hole!

Hillary LOVED the commission doll I made for her! She paid immediately and I'm mailing it to her daughter this weekend. Hurray! It's the doll at the top of this rambling entry, just so you know.

4:05 p.m.

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