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I had a very nice Christmas. Mom stayed sober and the cats only knocked the tree down a couple of times.

I got a MONSTER bead loom (I could bead a large building with this thing) and a book that prooves it's not cruel to dye LabRat. It's ART!

Joe and I have a great deal of house hunting to do. It's kind of crazy as we have to get mom down here before we can make an offer on anything. As my luck goes, any house that is worth buying will be gone by the time she makes it down here to look at it. This little place on Wildair looks good, but we haven't gotten inside to take a real look. I view the pool as a selling point. Mom views it as a nightmare. It's not like she'd have to clean the thing.


Trick is going to the Howling Monkey Demon reunion New Years Eve party. He's stressed about it but I'm jealous. Even with BOTH our checkered histories with these guys (I've dated all of them and he's had at least one), it would be neat to see how they all turned out and catch up. It would even be interesting to see how the pedophile is doing and how he reacts to Trick's presence there. I find it more than a little shocking that the Monkey Demons continue to accept this individual since the revelation that he is sexually attracted to VERY YOUNG children and even protect him. I mean, most of these guys have kids he would be likely to target! Of course his wife has no problem using their young daughter to try to keep him in line. I could be way off base, but I view her as a kind of a pimp in this situation. "Be a good boy and you can have the little girl"? Is this right? Aw, hell. Who am I to judge them for not dropping their life long friend? For all I know, I'd still be sleeping with him if I still lived up there. Even after finding out that he's a dangerous pervert. I hope not, but who knows? I know I wouldn't be married if I hadn't left Michigan. And my judgement with the pervert was never all that good.

Why am I not using his name? Don't people have the right to know when someone's a potential sexual predator? What if someone reading this knows him and unknowingly trusts him around their children? Shit. I should probably put up a billboard, announcing his perversion with his name and address on it. I'd sure be pissed if I wasn't warned of an associate's dangerous proclivities!


Joe's in the other room watching the worst ever James Bond film. As cold as it is in here and as bored as I am, I can't bring myself to go out there and watch that crap! Thanks for buying him that DVD, Mom!

I read all of my Christmas books on Thursday and Friday, so I really don't have anything to do right now. All my art supplies are in the same room as the horrid movie is playing.

I could try to counteract all the caffine in my system with some antihistimines and try to go to sleep. I doubt that would work, but I'm running short on options. Maybe I'll go work on my website, though I'm not really in the mood.

Maybe I'll go muck around with Photoshop a bit. That seems like a thing to do!

1:22 a.m.

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