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When did Patrick Dempsy turn into this hot guy? All through the eighties, he was this pathetic, gawky nerdy creature with big ears. He disappeared for a long time and then I turn on this show "Grey's Anatomy" and there he is. Really attractive, in a conventional sort of way.
I don't get it.

The newest chapter in the Mother and Donald saga has donald and Shannon (25 year old intraveneous drug using prostitute Donald is now living with) showing up at my mother's house in the middle of the night, releasing animals and vandalizing property. One cat had to be rushed to the vet this morning.
Needless to say, Joe and I are working mighty hard to get Mom to sell the bulk of her cats and move her ass down here.
I mean the man took her for almost every dime she had, porked an IV drug using whore while still sleeping with her, is making $500 a month payments on a car he's bought said whore (Shannon) with my mother's money, is damaging her property and threatening her animals (horses, the dog and cats have all been released and one kitten was killed).
This degenerate alcoholic psycho-asshole is, on the bright side, the final proof my mother needed that she is really, really bad at picking out men.
She's getting an order of protection against them both tomorrow, but everything that I've heard about restraining orders and the like makes it sound like all this does is piss the stalker off even more.

Even though the freaking insurance cards still haven't come (perscription cards, yes), I set my first OB appointment for May 16th.
I've never been into my own medical upkeep, but will be dilligent in the prenatal appointments. Hopefully, the doctor won't give me hell about not having had a GYN appointment since '93, when I had that dysplastic tissue removed.

Last night, I reread TRY by Dennis Cooper. I am flabbergasted by the completely different reaction I've had to it. When TRY first came out, I was struck by the friendship and love between Ziggy and Calhoun. The almost constant abuse inflicted on Ziggy barely registered. This time, I was horrified by what Ziggy has been put through. The beatings and rapes from his fathers and uncle. The seeming indifference of the school counseler and other "responsible adults" made me sick. I was impressed by Ziggy's method of dealing with it all with his abuse 'zine. Especially the scene where Ziggy interviews his uncle and the twelve year old Slayer fan in the middle of his uncle's repeated rapes and drugging of the boy.
Calhoun, whiloe a sad figure, mostly seemed a self obsessed and destructive little shit, too stoned to offer the little compassion and attention his worshipful friend desperately needed.
Weird how I've had two such very different sets of opinions and feelings about the same book by reading it a few years apart.

To amuse myself, I've been editing various cemetery photo's I've taken on trips with Mary. I really like the way the batch I took on St. Joseph's day came out.

4:47 p.m.

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