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I have just not been in the mood to bother with d-land lately.

I'm getting the hang of Pimp Wars. I'm in two games starting tomorrow night and I think I'll be able to manage a fairly high rank in there. I think the key is to build up serious crack and thugs before the hos and going on the attack.

My mother took her 9 month old Bengal tom, Raja, to his first catshow in Chicago this weekend. The first day is the biggest Bengal event in the world. She was hoping he'd score some points (so his kittens will be worth more $$$). She had no idea. He ended up with championship pointage by the end of the weekend! Since points accumulate from show to show, he'll be a supreme grand champion by his first birthday. In terms I understand, that means his kittens will be worth around $2000 and the price will only increase!

How the fuck does Trading Spaces do a $100,000 show and not have Vern as one of the designers? That guy makes rooms look $50,000 on only $1000, imagine what they'd look like with a serious budget! Instead, they had Lori, who just did her usual boring stuff only with more expensive fabrics. YAWN!

I'm seriously digging that Carnivale show. I love how they're letting everything unfold at it's own pace, instead of shooting their wad right away like broadcast television does!

I wish I was in Michigan right now.

I've been getting the cutest sprint phone photos from Trick and Deven.

Mostly of their cat. The voice memos really make the shots!

David Bowie left me a really nice reply in the Bowienet messageboards. He's skipping the South Eastern U.S. in the winter leg of this tour, but he says he's seriously considering coming to New Orleans in the Spring/Summer. That would be terrific!

Darryl's (the eccentric neighbor across the street) dog, Max, has learned a new trick. He howls in perfect imitation of emergency sirens. Anytime a police car, fire engine, or ambulance comes wailing by, he's singing along as if to his favorite song. It's the cutest damn thing.

If max wasn't a giant German Shepard, he'd be the perfect dog. It's a shame I can't shrink him down to pug size and keep him in my livingroom!

Speaking of keeping inappropriately large animals in small apartments, have you heard about that Harlem guy who kept an alligator and a tiger in his apartment? Of course, the tiger got a little too playful and tore his leg and arm open.

Apparently the animals were healthy, which means they were well fed. Which makes me wonder how the hell some guy living in housing projects (aka: off our hard earned money) could afford such expensive pets. Our tax dollars at work again!

Anyway, here's the story.

Tiger and alligator found in Manhattan apartment sent to Ohio refuge

Owner in custody


NEW YORK, Oct. 5 � A tiger and an alligator found in a Manhattan apartment were sent to wildlife sanctuaries in Ohio and Indiana on Sunday while their owner recovered from bite wounds inflicted by the more than 400-pound cat.

Police said Antoine Yates, 31, would face reckless endangerment charges after he gets out of a hospital in Philadelphia, where he fled. He was listed in good condition.

Yates said the tiger grabbed him and ''tore open my whole leg down to the bone.'' Yates told Philadelphia TV station KYW in a phone interview from his hospital bed that he was ''trying to create a Garden of Eden, something that this world lacks.''

A team of animal control officers, police and Bronx Zoo workers removed the animals from Yates' fifth-floor apartment in a Harlem housing project on Saturday.

Wes Artope, director of the city's animal shelters, said the tiger, an orange and white Siberian-Bengal mix, had been kept in the apartment since he was a 6-week-old cub. The 20-month-old tiger now weighs at least 425 pounds, Artope said.

''He's huge,'' Artope said.

The tiger and the 5-foot-long alligator, both in good condition, were taken first to a local shelter, then to a Long Island animal sanctuary and then to Ohio, Artope said.

''Clearly this tiger should not have been in any place in New York City outside of a zoo,'' Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters Sunday.

The tiger went to Noah's Lost Ark in Berlin Center, Ohio, a licensed preserve for exotic animals. The facility isn't equipped for reptiles, director Ellen Whitehouse said Sunday, so the alligator went on to an Indiana sanctuary.

The ''terrified'' tiger was roaring and snarling as he came out of a tranquilizer haze in what Whitehouse believed was his first time in a cage, she said.

''He just really needs time to be left alone,'' Whitehouse said. The tiger will be examined by a veterinarian Monday and will stay in his own outdoor enclosure for at least a month before there are any attempts to introduce him to the sanctuary's other 45 big cats.

Yates was taken into custody Saturday night at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, where he was being treated for lacerations to his leg, police said.

Authorities believe he went to Philadelphia after checking out of a New York hospital on Friday with bites to his arm and leg.

Officers first responded to a call on Wednesday that Yates had been bitten by a dog, but police said they later received two anonymous calls saying Yates had actually been bitten by a large wild animal.

Residents at his apartment building told responding officers that they had seen the tiger.

Authorities used a camera to monitor the animals in the apartment before shooting them with tranquilizer darts.

It will take the cat some time to adjust to seeing trees and birds, Whitehouse said, adding, ''I'd love to see what the inside of the house looked like.''

I hope the tiger learns to get along with the other cats and enjoys running free through that sanctuary.

I think it's the one Lilly was sent to after she turned one.

She was the best tiger ever!

Speaking of tigers, I hope Roy has a speedy and complete recovery.

He and Sigfreid are absolute saints for having brought those animals back from extinction.

For those of you who think he deserved the mauling because he :tortured those animals", you couldn't be more off base. Consider the fact that he and the show workers had to get the tiger off him with a microphone and a fire extinguisher. They don't even own whips, prods, hooks or the other terror devices used by circuses and other such acts.

At least not for the tiger show.


1:14 a.m.

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