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So I spent 5 days in Michigan for a Maggie's shower and rollerskating party.

The rollerskating deal was with Maggie (in the grey teeshirt) her sister Emily (the one who looks like a model) and our old friend from highschool (we were like best friends, duuuuuuude) Kristen. Nothing scarier than 3 thritysomethings rollerskating for the first time since jr. high. Really reminds you how much you've aged (not to mention the total loss of coordination)! It's been nearly a week and I'm STILL sore!

The shower was kind of scary since there were people I went to highschool with and Mag's future mother-in-law is is this mega controlling, sickly sweet person. I'm sure she means well, but it gives me the creeps. It was also embarassing to have people giving her all of these nice gifts when all I had for her was this ficus I'd spent a couple of years getting all twisted up. I didn't even have a nice pot for it!

My second night there, I spent making found object are with my dear DEAR friend Nick and his boyfriend of 16 years, Steven. Nick was upset that he couldn't afford to go to New York State for his friend, Dave's, wedding. Since Dave and his (now, as of today) wife requested that the only gifts be made by the givers, I suggested the art project. Lucky for us, Steven is an expert garbage picker and he had these boxes of amazing stuff, including clock parts, and molds and photos picked from the dumpster of a denture making business. Even though Steven said he didn't want to participate, he jumped right in and helped Nick put together an incredible piece with the teeth and polaroids. I was shocked to be in a room with such creative people and to be the only one who knew how to work a glue gun, however!

Nick wanted to tell Dave that I was involved with the art project but, since I lived with him an eon ago and hadn't been terribly nice to the man, I felt that it would be better if Nick didn't mention anything.

Hopefully, Nick will ship the gift to Dave and his wife before their first anniversary!

I ended up staying with Nick very late (4am EST), chatting and having a really good time. Reminded me of how much I miss spending time with him. I wish that the four of us could find a place that we all want to live, so that I wouldn't have to go years between visits, and could even pop over to eachother's homes just to hang whenever! Since they're considering a move to Minnesota, I don't see this happening, which is really depressing!

My first night, I spent having Dinner with Efrem and Jennifer, who I consider to be the ultimate couple. I've been friends with Efrem since we met at a Smiths concert when I was 13. I have so much respect for him because he pulled himself out of a real shithole of a family and a ghetto upbringing to make something of himself. He is super brilliant and has more selfdisipline than anyone I've ever know. Efrem is kind of my hero!

They (Efrem and Jennifer) were having their floors done, so I spent a day hanging out at their house while the workmen were there. Since the house reeked of polyeurathane, I spent most of the time out on their porch reading and stealing the affections of their cat, Lucky. when he wasn't hanging out on top of the sofa, which Ef and Jen have propped up in their kitchen while the floors are drying. I was feeding him enough catnip and canned food to keep him stoned and happy for the next five years! The real coup degras was when I took him out on the porch with me. That cat LOVES me now! LOL!

My mother is in the process of moving to Tennessee so her house was too wrecked to really hang out in. She felt awfully neglected because I was spending so much time with friends, but if I had spent too much time with her, it would have turned into another "buy stuff for Adrienne" trip and those make me pretty uncomfortable. After an awfully emotional outburst, I think I was able to explain my reasons for not spending more time with her and I think everything is okay now.

Mom has this cat, Cassielle, who is morbidly obese. The thing is, she gets prettier the fatter she gets! We did a little glamour style photo session while I was there and it was pretty cute!

Oh, and after only 2 years, I managed to get my wedding pictures! I'll save them for another entry.

4:41 p.m.

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