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Why you should never loan money to your dead-beat family.

7 years ago, my dear dear mother loaned her sister, Cindy, $10,000 so that she could have a new well dug at her secluded dream home in Michigan's upper peninsula. A bank account was set up so that she could make payments on this loan. One small payment was made, then the debt was ignored. Recently, in an insurance scam (carpel tunnel syndrome. Funny how she's now making money off sewing doll clothes!), Cindy collected a fairly large sum of money from her former employer. Instead of using this money to pay off at least part of her debt (all of which should have been paid years ago), she decided to use the money to travel. My mother called her on it. Her response was to whine to her kleptomaniac (see chronic shoplifter, fired from Jacobson's for stealing everything she could get her pudgy little hands on) daughter, Tracey. After all, who better to sympathize with a thief than another thief?

Here was Tracey's response to my mother for having the audacity to try to collect the money owed her. ______________________________________


I know that this is going to infuriate you to receive this. I must insist that you leave my mother alone. Now that your worthless excuse of a mother is dead, there is no reason for any of you to contact my mother. The saddest part of this entire process is losing you....but when Chris died, he took the best part of you with him!!. I realize you have issues with each one of your sisters; but as your seethingly bitter daughter stated at the memorial...."my mother considers herself an orphan" I think it is best that the only reasons for any of you toxic beasts to have contact with one another are now in the ground!!

I know that you think this is none of my business...but I assure you, I will not allow my mother to be hurt. So, be vicious, be nasty, be cruel, but be careful. Everything you throw shall come back to you.



LOL! I'm the seethingly bitter daughter! Yes, I made that comment, but only because my mother's sisters had seen fit to stick her with all of the responsibility and expense of caring for my poor, Alzheimer's ridden, grandmother.
It was especially sleazy of this cunt to have taken a stab at my mother in reference to the death of her beloved husband.
Perhaps she should be applauded for so ruthlessly defending the feelings of the thieving bitch who brutalized her throughout her childhood. It must take quite a lot to overlook the general character and past misdeeds of someone to the point of so viciously attack another of her victims!

Time and again, I've advised my mother to seek legal assistance in collecting on this debt. If she has no legal recourse (she failed to put anything on paper), she should simply wash her hands of her poisonous family. Hopefully, the poison keyboard letter from her dysfunctional niece will finally convince her!

Okay. Yeah. Besides the money involved (that pisses me off), I find this whole thing screamingly funny!

Besides the ongoing Vandervelde soap opera, nothing terribly exciting is going on here. Bethany really liked my sample doll and feels that the Macey's people in San Francisco will want more that my fingers can make. This is a very good thing!

8:05 a.m.

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