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Okay. Got the apartment (minus two rooms) spic and span clean. Got the traditional John Malkovich Christmas tree (pictures later) up and mom arrived with boyfriend and cat.

Now this bit I was going to wait to tell y'all until the process was further along and set in stone. Since my mother has managed to make a really nice thing as well as the holidays SUCK, in one IM session, I'm just going to say it.

My mother is buying us a house. This is a VERY nice thing. I even tried to talk her out of it. I gave up because this place IS horrible and the electric bill is higher than the rent. Everything was going beautifully and smoothly until I logged online tonight. We're set to see some properties with the realtor (former co-worker in my bartending days) tomorrow afternoon. Everybody was happy and even a bit giddy. She even told us she was taking two of the strays back to Tennessee with her, so we wouldn't have to worry about them.

Mom, Donald and I went out for the day and had a really nice time.

So we come home and Mom and Donald head back to the hotel, everybody as happy as clams. Joe and I cuddled in front of the TV and, after he went to bed, I got online. Mom was online.

First, let me point out that realtor Lloyd told us that we were going to look at a few homes that were listed over mom's max price, but that it wouldn't hurt to make an offer on one that we like because the market is soft down here. When I say us, that includes Mom.

So she starts going NUTS over a couple of the properties because they're listed above her max price. She's typing things like :that asshole can go to hell. I am NOT paying above $X for a house!" So I gently remind her that he told us we were going to be looking at these places because they'll go for way below list. Then she started in on Joe.

By nature, my husband Joe is a very level headed, cool person. And Mom has always said that she LOVES him and that she loves that about him.

The Joe bit starts with her saying that he doesn't seem interested in the house. Excuse me? We're flat broke, dodging creditors and living in a place that is sinking, falling DOWN and FULL of termites. Our energy bill is over $500 every month. He is VERY INTERESTED in a new place. THEN she says that he seemed upset that she's planning to take two of the strays. To quote Joe... "That's fantastic! Those two need to stay together and deserve a good home!".

So I ask if she's been drinking. And she says "very funny". I wasn't kidding. She was making no sense.

Then she starts in on this "Joe isn't hones with you" crap. What the FUCK? So I ask her "WHAT THE FUCK?". And she's like "ASK HIM". Hello? You don't just say something like that about your daughter's HUSBAND and leave it at ask him.

Of course, she had no explanation. Because she's fucking DRUNK. So she starts with all this "I'm doing this for YOU", like the man who works his ass off so that I can work from home making silly little art objects and runs ALL th errands and does nothing but sweet things for me is some sort of freeloader.

Sp I go and wake Joe up and ask him if he has any clue what she's talking about. He has no idea and is more than a little hurt by all this horrible nonsense. He's always adored my mother and her opinion means a lot to him.

So after working for two weeks straight getting the apartment decent for Christmas so that Mom and her boyfriend of the week will have a nice time, Joe's hurt, I'm pissed and Christmas is ruined. If I had even a little self-respect, I'd tell her to shove the house, take her cat and leave. This bitch is trying to cause trouble in my marriage. Fuck her, right?

But I can't. I love my mother and need a home.

Merry Christmas.

Great. She's back online...........

Surprise, surprise. She's drunk. For the first time, I think my mother is an alcoholic.

Here's the latest IM conversation, Donald jumps in at the end:

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Adrienne says:

I woke him up. He's puzzled and his feelings are hurt.

Adrienne says:

Merry Christmas

[email protected] says:


Adrienne says:

He's wondering how :that's fantastic" translates into his not wanting you to take the strays

Adrienne says:

And I am very hurt and angry

[email protected] says:

mayhaps it would be better if we pick up Cassielle in the am and pretend that we never got here?

Adrienne says:

If you're going to turn Christmas and a very nice thing into a nightmare where you try to wreck my marriage, maybe you should

[email protected] says:

well it is YOUR decision

Adrienne says:

I would rather live in a shit-hole apartment with my LOVING husband and a mother who is nice than live in a decent place with a mother who tries to come between me and my husband

Adrienne says:

And it isn't fair that you're doing this

[email protected] says:

Good night. We will pu Cassie tomorrow

Adrienne says:

You act like you have some inside information about my husband

Adrienne says:

So I wake him up, he's clueless and now he's probably lying in bed wondering why you hate him

Adrienne says:

If that's what you want

Adrienne says:

I think you did all this because you WANT to leave tomorrow

Adrienne says:

You didn't have to get my hopes up and ruin christmas just because you don't want to be here

Adrienne says:

All I wanted was to have a nice christmas with my family

Adrienne says:

I didn't ask you to offer to buy a house

Adrienne says:

And if you're pulling out and leaving town tomorrow, YOU call Lloyd and tell him

Adrienne says:

AND if you leave tomorrow, don't contace me anymore

Adrienne says:


[email protected] says:

I will always love you. This is Don. let's pick up this conversation in the am. PLEASE.

Adrienne says:

Is she drunk?

Adrienne says:

Just tell me that

[email protected] says:


Adrienne says:


Adrienne says:

She can't drink

Adrienne says:

I tell men that and they just don't get it

[email protected] says:

I know

Adrienne says:

Has she been doing this a lot?

[email protected] says:

I will take good care of her I promise.

Adrienne says:

if it involves alcohol, you're not taking care of her. when she doesn't drink, she can take good care fo herself

[email protected] says:

She is crying I need to tend to her. PleaSE. lET'S START OVER TOMORROW.

Adrienne says:


[email protected] says:


Adrienne says:

If she keeps doing this, she will

Adrienne says:

She needs to not drink

Adrienne says:

Maybe rehab?

[email protected] says:


12:07 a.m.

<< // >>


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